Routine Eye Exams

Routine Eye Exam at You & Eye

Welcome to You & Eye, where Dr. Pearce and our dedicated team prioritize your vision health. We offer comprehensive eye exams, including routine eye exams tailored to your needs.

Routine Eye Exam

A routine eye exam at You & Eye goes beyond just checking your vision. It's a thorough assessment of your eye health, helping us detect potential issues early and ensure your eyes are in optimal condition. During this exam, we evaluate your visual acuity, eye coordination, and screen for common eye conditions.

Comprehensive Eye Exam

Our comprehensive eye exam provides a detailed analysis of your eye health. Dr. Pearce utilizes advanced techniques to assess your vision, eye muscles, and overall eye function. This thorough examination is essential for maintaining good eye health and preventing potential vision problems.

At You & Eye, we understand the importance of clear vision and overall eye wellness. Schedule your routine or comprehensive eye exam with Dr. Pearce in West Linn, Oregon, and let us take care of your vision needs. Your eyes deserve the best care, and that's what we strive to provide at You & Eye!